Heat-Resistant Castings |
The increasing focus on alternative/waste fuels today, makes the technical choice of HRCs much more crucial than just aiming at temperature resistance. The HRCs are chosen based on their application and application area. |
 | Cyclone Pre-heater |
The Cyclone Pre-heater HRCs include Dipping Tubes, Tipping Valves, Dampers, Air-shocks Canon and Travelling Grates. The components of all these products are very specific and require a lot of attention due to the cyclic change of temperature.
 | Rotary Kiln |
The Rotary Kiln HRCs include Kiln Chains, Nose-Rings and Brick Retaining Systems. Kiln Chains are used either in the wet kilns or in the long-dry kilns to improve the heat exchange between the hot gases at the kiln feed and the raw material.
 | Cooler Grates |
Coolers in the Cement plants are key installations as they allow heat recovery from the Clinker to the Kiln and the Preheater and ensure an optimum clinker temperature that will allow easy handling and storage. This results in Cooler Grates being strategic elements in the Cooler. Their working conditions may be put to the test considering the tendency to often push the kilns towards higher outputs than the design ones as well as the possibility of unstable working conditions due to the use of
alternative fuels.